Special Issue IJASS 2000-3

Volume 1, Number 3

Editorial of “Applied Cooperative Systems”
Xiaohua Jia and Yanchun Zhang

Intention Preservation by Object Replication in Cooperative Graphics Editing Systems
David Chen and Chengzheng Sun

An Implementation of Temporal Operations within a Cooperative Traffic System
Mariusz Grzywacz and Christophe Claramunt

Applying Cooperative Information Agent Technology to the Indexing and Querying of Distributed Unstructured Documents
Craig Linn

Declarative Extended Path Queries for Object-Relational Databases and Web Data
Sergio Flesca and Sergio Greco

Databases for Cooperative Systems
I. T. Hawryszkiewycz

CollAge: A Replicated-Instances Platform for Collaborative Applications
Federico Bergenti and Agostino Poggi

Architecting Enterprise Applications for the Internet
George Feuerlicht and Toby Phipps

Repository Support for Workflow Management Systems
Chengfei Liu, Xuemin Lin, Xiaofang Zhou and Maria Orlowska

Facilitating Exception Handling with Recovery Techniques in ADOME Workflow Management System
Dickson K.W. Chiu, Qing Li and Kamalakar Kalapalem

Instance-Active Workflow: Framework, Architecture, and Application
Kwang-Hoon Kim

Hellenic Society of Systemic Studies