Digital Futures Task Force of the European Commission

Digital Futures, IS a foresight

Think Tank

Digital Futures Task Force of the European Commission

Onlife Manifesto

Being Human in an Hyperconnected Era


Dr. Yiannis Laouris, Future Worlds Center, Cyprus.

Σάββατο 16-02-2013, 09:30 – 10:30 π.μ., Αίθουσα 336, 3ος όροφος, Πανεπιστήμιο Πειραιώς, Καραολή & Δημητρίου 80, Πειραιάς.

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Dr. Laouris is one of the 14 members of a Think Tank created by the Digital Futures Task Force of the European Commission to explore the effects that on-life and technology might exert on the concepts we use to make sense of our world. Digital Futures, a foresight project tapping into the collective wisdom and creativity of stakeholders to co-develop long term visions (futures) and policy ideas for beyond the Digital Agenda and Europe 2020.

The project is known as Onlife initiative and more information can be found at:

The Think Tank has concluded and will release its ideas in the form of a Manifesto accompanied by short papers on February 8, 2013, during a public event in Brussels.

All European citizens, especially those inspired by technology, the youth, scientists and futurists are encouraged to join the Futrurium and share their thoughts and ideas. The aim of this EC Task Force is not to predict the future but to anticipate it and then take necessary measures where needed to shape it in a humanistic way. The  Futurium is an online platform combining the informal character of social networks with the methodological approach of foresights to engage stakeholders in the co-creation of the futures that they want.

The link is at:

Hellenic Society of Systemic Studies